According to the National Motorists Association, Ohio ranks 23rd in Speeding Tickets, putting them almost squarely in the middle. However, do not read to much into this article, the methodology used to formulate these rankings has nothing to do with an actual ticket count, but is based on web searches.
In the First Year Following a Speeding Ticket Your Car Insurance Goes Up an Average of 40.23%.6/26/2012 According to a post by Coverhound, a speeding ticket can be devestating to a person's car insurance. They found that on average, after a person is convicted of speeding, their car insurance goes up 40.23%., also has a nice break down showing how speeding tickets can cause your insurance rates to soar: 1st Offense: Average annual premium cost of $1,318, an 18 percent increase 2nd Offense: Average annual premium cost of $1,497, a 34 percent increase 3rd Offense: Average annual premium cost of $1,713, a 53 percent increase REMEMBER YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PLEAD GUILTY OR PAY THE TICKET JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE CITED FOR SPEEDING, A CAR ACCIDENT OR OTHER TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS. THERE ARE OPTIONS. As a former City of Cincinnati Asst. Prosecutor, Nick Klingensmith has prosecuted hundreds of Speeding and Traffic Ticket Cases. Now as a Defense Attorney, Nick is able to put that experience to work for you and help you Keep Points Off of Your Driving Record. HIRE TRAFFIC TICKET ATTORNEY, NICK KLINGENSMITH TODAY. 513-258-2377 CONSULTATIONS ARE FREE. As a former City of Cincinnati Asst. Prosecutor, Nick Klingensmith has prosecuted hundreds of Speeding and Traffic Ticket Cases. Now as a Defense Attorney, Nick is able to put that experience to work for you and help you Keep Points Off of Your Driving Record. HIRE TRAFFIC TICKET ATTORNEY, NICK KLINGENSMITH TODAY. CONSULTATIONS ARE FREE. 513-258-2377 |